Use Case: Hospice Organizations

Hospice Organizations

You know first-hand how painful grief is. We're here to help.

For both the family of your clients, and for your employees who experience loss all the time, grief is a heavy burden to carry. Our eight-session, video-based, grief curriculum can help with that burden. Developed by our church (NewSpring Church in Wichita KS), Through This Valley is a completely free curriculum that includes video sessions, a printable workbook, facilitator discussion guides, and more.

Here are a couple of ways your hospice organization could use Through This Valley:

Okay... so what's the catch?

There isn't one. 

We created this program at our church, (NewSpring Church in Wichita, KS) and it's our goal for this program to be used far and wide to support those experiencing the pain of grief. It is completely free. Our only requirement is that you not edit our materials, including the video sessions or workbook.

How do you get started?

Just click the link in the top menu to contact us about hosting. We'll get you set up with an account on our site where you have access to all the materials you'll need or you can just share the link: with the clients you serve, and they can stream the videos from there. If you have any questions about how the program works, or suggestions about how hospice organizations might use our program, please contact Wendy Hoover at